ET UNITATEM POSSE | The SJC – College of Liberal Arts holds their 3rd Ataviado Lecture Series with theme, “Contemplating thy Roots: Means of Existential Progress” at the Audio-Visual Room
This year’s lecture series was graced with two resource speakers and guests from the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Visayas State University.
• Topic 1: “Metaphysical Symbolism in Ancestor Worship and Commemoration Practices: Insights into the Existence of the Supreme Being and its Role in Human Life”
Speaker: Dr. Max Teody T. Quimilag, Ph.D.
• Topic 2: “Enlightened Anthropocentrism towards a Planetary Ethics”
Speaker: Dr. Glenn G. Pajares, Ph.D.
Photos by: Blessa Joyce Padecio