The Registrar’s Office at Saint Joseph College in Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines offers services related to Student Records, Enrollment, and Graduation.

Student Record Management

Maintains student records, including grades, class schedules, and contact information

Record Evaluation

Evaluates and credits subjects & units earned by the students

Document Issuance

Issues Transcript of Records, Diploma, Transfer Credentials and other school documents

Document Certification

Verifies, authenticates, and certifies school records upon request of individuals and public or private organizations, here and abroad


Advises students and other clientele on curriculum requirements and other academic policies of school and concerned government agencies

Ruperto B. Dorias Jr. – Staff

Marichufe D. Caberte -Staff

Michelle Shane Magsanay -Staff

Dapney S. Machado, LPT – Staff

Maricel S. Costillas, MBA -Staff

Jennelyn D. Lozano – Staff