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Your extraordinary service and dedication to this institution have left a lasting mark on the hearts of every Josephinian. From your beginnings as a college instructor to your time as Campus Ministry Director, you have consistently nurtured us with excellence and faith.

Your remarkable journey speaks volumes about your commitment to progress and innovation. As Vice President, you spearheaded monumental achievementsโ€”driving the PAASCU accreditation of our Senior and Junior High School Departments, strengthening the Office of Research and Development, fostering community engagement, and forging meaningful linkages both locally and internationally. These accomplishments stand as a testament to your decades of steadfast service and unparalleled excellence.

Now, as you lead us as President, we are filled with hope and confidence. Under your guidance, we know we will navigate challenges with grace and purposeโ€”not just striving for immediate goals but inspiring minds and hearts with knowledge and wisdom that will shape generations.

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The continued success of Saint Joseph College reflects your strong leadership and clear vision. May you keep inspiring and guiding us to greater heights!

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